Integrating diversity, equity and inclusion

Cultural humility

Our Department's Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), chaired by Meghan Morris, PhD, was the first to lead a sequenced DEI training, for which we developed original content in collaboration with UCSF’s Multicultural Resource Center. We have continued to lead in this area. In 2020, the Department created a new position for a PhD student to represent student DEI concerns. The position pays a quarterly stipend of $2,000 in addition to other graduate student funding, and the student agrees to 4-5 hours of work per week. The Department also established a Journal Club in Social Justice Epidemiology, which meets every two months to lead conversations on peer-reviewed new methods to develop a more robust and objective understanding of the categories of difference that have troubled science for so long.

Photo credit: Eric Slomanson / courtesy End Hep C SF
